For our ASL Community

Domestic violence can impact anybody, including members of the deaf and hard of hearing community.

Some of the basic elements of control and coercion may look similar to those experienced by members of the hearing community, including fear, isolation, manipulation, and financial abuse. However, barriers to getting help or leaving increase due to communication challenges, particularly if abusers manipulate the interpretation process or damage or destroy communications equipment or assistive devices.


We want you to know
that you are not alone.

Safe Connect and CCADV’s 18 member organizations are equipped with video phones and ASL interpretation services. We want information about our services to be easily accessible, so we created ASL videos that discuss basic information about domestic violence and how we can help. Please know that advocates are here when you are ready.


View Our Video Series


Domestic Violence Warning Signs

Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that includes different types of abuse such as emotional, psychological, physical, financial, sexual, technological, and litigation. Domestic violence is the result of a person’s feeling of entitlement over their partner or family member and their choice to use abusive behaviors to gain and maintain that control and power. This video will help you to learn more about how control and coercion may be showing up in unhealthy relationships and how you can spot it.


What to Expect When...
Calling Safe Connect & Safety Planning

Safe Connect is Connecticut's domestic violence information and resource line. This video explains what you can expect when you call the hotline, how you will get connected to your local CCADV member organization for services, and some basic information about planning to stay safe.


CCADV Member Organization Services

CCADV has 18 member organizations who provide direct services to survivors of domestic violence across the state. Watch the video above to learn about the free, confidential support and resources including: counseling, support groups, emergency shelter & safe house, court advocacy, child and family advocacy, safety planning, house advocacy, crisis intervention, lethality assessment, information and referrals.


Criminal Legal Options & Resources

If your abuser is arrested for domestic violence, we have advocates in court ready to assist you through the process. This video explains the criminal court process in Connecticut and discusses options and resources for survivors.


Civil Legal Options & Resources

Many survivors of domestic violence may pursue civil legal options related to matters such as restraining orders, divorce, or child custody. This video explains some of the laws in Connecticut that can help you to be safe and assist with obtaining needed resources.


CCADV Who We Are

The Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence is the voice against domestic violence across CT. We lead a statewide network focused on advocacy, outreach, and education. Our work transforms political, economic, and social responses to end domestic violence in CT.


It's important to remember:

Recognizing abuse can be difficult.

It’s hard to understand why the person you love is hurting you. It’s even harder to accept that they’re hurting you.

Abuse can make you feel completely alone

Isolation from family, friends, and resources is a key way that abusers control their victims.

You don’t have to leave to get help.

Some survivors just want the abuse to end, others may want to leave. Our advocates understand that relationships look different and change over time.

We are here when you're ready.